Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Washed her Blackberry in the Washing Machine

A friend accidentally put her Blackberry in the Washing Machine, Blackberry in one hand, washing in the other, filling up the washing machine. She didn't realise until too late. All her contacts, emails and appointments washed away as it were, and worse still, no way of getting them back. So, what lessons did we learn?

  1. Don't drop your Blackberry in water, they don't mix. If you go near water, don't take your Blackberry with you.
  2. Make sure your Blackberry is insured, or you have replacement phone cover that can provide a replacement phone. (I can help with this!)
  3. Back it up using the free Blackberry desktop software that comes with your Blackberry.
  4. Sync your Blackberry with contact management software like Sage ACT! (I can help with this!)
More information:! See Mobile Phones