Wednesday, 23 May 2012

It saves a LOTof time!

We got a lead from an IT company we know, who said their customer is spending a lot of time inputting data.

The customer inputs a lot of bank transactions into their accounts system, Quick Books. Their accountant said "you don't want to use Quick Books, use what I use, Sage 50 Accounts". OK, he said, "so I'll input a lot of transactions into Sage now".

We all thought this was a waste of valuable time and that we could do something to speed it up.

We designed a system that imports transactions downloaded from their Bank, and processes them. It automatically identifies 20 different types of transactions, puts them into a nominal accounts category, allocates them to one of 35 bank accounts and allows the user to check any exceptions. Finally it produces a file that is imported into Sage 50 Accounts.

What was taking hours, now takes minutes, which saves a LOT of time!